Monday, April 16, 2007

Of spin cycles and buttons

I had this greenish yarn leftover and although I like the color, I knew that I didn't need anything more from it. So, I started minisweater by glampyre knits but am opting to copy Diana's stylings. This is for my dainty friend (HI MONIKA!) Monika. It is a fun gratifying project and I'm looking forward to making one for myself. Assuming I don't get distracted. I am infamous for never making the same thing twice. That's why I hate sleeves. And also why I've never tried socks. Um, not the point, the minisweater, ah yes.

But I need some help. Which button to use? I say the top left blue green one, the husband says the peachy brown. What says you?

And a little reminder courtesy of Julia:
Enjoy even the most mundane things in life, like laundry.


Lisa said...

She is SOO adoreable! I just love her.

ANd I like the buttons you've chosen.

Anonymous said...

I vote little green!

This is going to sound ridiculous but I am actually feeling nostalgic about having the washing machine in the bathroom.