Wednesday, January 17, 2007

blogger is trying to kill me

I hate blogger.

Does anyone know why I haven't been able to upload a single picture, any which way, in more than 3 days? I just keep getting an error message.

*grumbles around house kicking and generally throwing quite the tantrum*



Kit said...

I don't know why, but when I just tried teh link to here from my blog it told me "BAD REQUEST"...maybe it though I was being bad, blog-reading instead of working - I felt right told off!

A.Nagy said...

This is all going to probably sound so dumb. I stumbled upon your blog through another link, and just read the whole thing in the past day. I've lived in Magyarorság previously, and married a Hungarian from a small village south of Győr. We currently live in DC, but have had many of the same thoughts/feelings you are going through. Teaching English in a country where you can't always figure out what the hell is going on, even if you have a vague grasp of the language. In-laws who don't speak English. Having the love of being in one place, but missing aspects of the other. Reading through it made me not feel so alone, in all those feelings you voiced, that I went through. I was teaching English in Budapest/Komárom last year during the same time you blogging ... it would have been nice to know you were there too.

Lisa said...

I don't know why but I think everyone must be having problems with sucky ass blogger. I'm having problems too.